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Hi I'm Belinda
(affectionately known as Bee)

I am an internationally certified and accredited empowerment coach

My Story

It began in senior school when I really struggled with how my body looked and the only thing that I was confident about was being an actress. However, my parents told me acting was not a career. I needed to think about a path that would secure my future and would earn me money so I could have a car, buy a house and get married.

To me, that meant I wasn't good enough...

This was the beginning of one of my many self limiting beliefs. My journey began but it wasn't the plain sailing one I had been led to believe and it set the tone for my life. Doing everything to please other people, undertaking numerous diets, failing and then never feeling good enough. I continued pretending everything was great,  but my unhappiness grew and took me to a very dark place, that's when I knew I had to start making changes.

I divorced, moved house, changed career, re-married, lost weight and things were good for a few years.


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My 30's - 50's


A life changing event for my husband, compelled me to make further career changes. Then, I started putting on weight and that was when I was diagnosed with peri menopause at 38, a pivotal

moment that changed me forever.

Still feeling like I said and did things to please others and to be accepted, I embarked on journey of personal growth. I attempted lots of different things without ever really making a plan or sticking with things and the effects were limited.

The sudden loss of my sister in 2021 was my wake up call.

My life, age, looks, shape, time and it's meaning all changed. That was the year I found self-acceptance and my voice through 

coaching and I made the biggest investment in myself ever.

The power of that coaching took me from disliking my body, feeling unheard and undervalued to living life my way, with confidence and conviction. It helped me find my purpose and I now navigate my life with a new found love of my body and the courage to communicate my wants and needs openly, honestly and in a clear, respectful way.


The journey is ongoing regardless of what I have achieved so far and I know that there is still more of me I can learn to love and more I can achieve with my voice...


So impressed with the power of coaching, I trained as a coach. I am on a mission to empower other women to build their body confidence and find their voice to assert themselves in the world with confidence.

Living a life where you love and respect yourself will help you use your voice to effect positive change in the world, improve your career or live your life your way. I believe coaching is the best gift you can give yourself.

If you want to show up confidently and speak on stage, social media, give a presentation or stop people pleasing by saying yes, then you are in the right place.

Book a free, clarity call now and find out the power of coaching. I guarantee I will help you build your body confidence and find your voice!

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